Thursday, September 12, 2013

This past weeks reading response

Title: I Am Number Four The Lost Files The Legacies

Author: Pittacus Lore
dates read

time per date: 9/8/13 (pages 1-41) (45 min)
9/9/13 part 1 (pages 41-77) (40 min)
9/10/13 part 1 (pages77-91) part 2 (pages 95-124) (33 min)

total so far: 118 min.

This book is absolutely amazing. My close friend Katherine Ann recommended it to me and I can not stop reading it. The book full of suspense and mystery makes you encouraged to continue reading. Each chapter has a "cliff hanger" that makes you almost forced to find out what happens.


  1. I am Number Four is an amazing book! When I started reading it I didn't think I would get into it, it seemed more of a boy book. I totally agree that the book like forces you to find out what happens next!
    Great post!

  2. I haven't read the I am Number 4. But is sounds pretty good.
