Sunday, September 8, 2013

Literacy Narrative Questions and Concerns

So far in my literacy narrative I am really excited for my teacher to read of the the vivid detail included in my writing. I find this topic fairly simple; however, I struggle to include the topic "writing and reading" in my narrative. At times I get caught up in the story and forget to base my story off of myself as a reader or writer. I am excited to read my classmates vivid narratives. I think it's going to be interesting how many different stories are told. My closest friends and I know lots about each other but I feel like I am going to learn way more about them through their narrative stories.  I have a few questions that maybe my classmates can answer. I ask myself "why I dread writing in school, but love emailing my grannie?' I haven't yet found the answer to my question. I'm hoping some of my classmates can relate to the issue I have about myself and help me find the answer. Aside from my question/ doubt I am very excited and motivated to make my paper the best I can.

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