Monday, September 30, 2013

Short Story Plot

Rising action-
falling action-

I was thinking my girl live in a semi large city. She will tell the story of how she had a boyfriend and he broke her heart. Then she will meet a new guy and really fall for him. I really want my character to try online dating because I could make her have really funny and interesting times. The climax will be when she finally gets the guy she likes. The rising action is when she starts talking and online dating. Falling action is when she gets dumped.

Response To Harrison Bergeron

When I recently read Harrison Bergeron a ton of questions came into mind. I realized how imaginative the author has to be to come up with that type of insane description. Harrison is a very important yet ''dangerous'' character. I am slightly confused on the message the author is trying to give. I understand the part about wanting everyone to be treated equally; however, handicapping everyone didn't make sense. When we read "Da-duh'' I was so confused on why the grandmother was such a show off about sugar cane. She made a huge deal about living in St. Thomas. They had a very competitive relationship and it reminded me of me and my family. So far reading these short stories had helped me understand recognize plot, setting, and character. It also gives me good ideas for what I should write for my story. I really think reading these has helped me insert each specific aspect of writing into my writing.

i read short stories on
A&P 9-23 for 20 minutes
A very old man with enormous wings 9-25 for 25 minutes
Dry September 9-27 for 25 minutes

I Am Number Four
9-23 30 min
9-25 20 min
9-27 45 min
9-28 30 min

Friday, September 20, 2013

writing in the voice of my short story character

Dear Journal,

Today was such a miserable day. I had to dog sit for six whole hours. I smell like squirrel poop and rat feces. I really need to take a shower; however, going to bed sounds much better. First I must take off my makeup that somehow got smeared and smudged during my dog siting hours. I have had a few thoughts tonight regarding who I am as a person. To be honest I am single and so sick of it. I want a man! A man who will take care of me and treat me with respect. What is it about me? Am I not pretty? Is it my height? Weight? Hair? I just don't get why no guy wants to date. It could be the fact that I proposed to Eddie on our second date. Forget Eddie. I am on the market, but nobody is checking me out. I really thought I saw a cute guy today. He was tall, like me and had a great tan. Turns out he has a wife. Of course... I think a new approach to the whole dating thing would help me find a man. I want to get up and grab my laptop but my burned out legs wont allow me to put pressure on them. I sit in bed in complete darkness and loneliness.

I get just enough energy to get up and grab my computer. Once I get back in bed I immediately grow anxious. I know what I need to do. Its obvious now. ONLINE DATING. It's perfect because the guy I find can't see me right away and therefor I have time to form a constructive conversation that isn't weird or quirky. In exhaustion of thinking I decide to shut my laptop and close my eyes, hoping when I wake up a cute guy is on one knee beside my bed. :)

Reading Response - short story

In class were are beginning a new writing assignment. We are going to write short stories. I am very excited about this topic because I have come up with many different ideas for a interesting, yet important main character. I am struggling to come up with a good plot of situation the main character can be involved in. I have so far come up with Agatha Jane Leonard. That is the first, middle, and last name of my character. She is completely made up. Agatha is afraid of the most bizarre things, such as dinosaurs. I like people who are awkward and clumsy. My best friend would be the best fit; however, I am looking forward to creating a made up story that is different from everyone else's. My details seem to fall into place as I brainstorm and jot down ideas. I am very excited and can't wait to get started writing the actual story.

Time Spent Reading Short Stories and annotating them:

9/18/13 "Harrison Bergeron" pages 125-130
time for the annotating was 20 minutes

9/19/13 "Da-Duh" pages 57-65
time for annotating was 15 minutes

9/20/13 "A&P" pages 119-123
time for annotating was 15 minutes

total 50 min

Reading times (I Am Number Four The Lost Files The Legacies)


total time 130 min.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

E-Book thoughts

I am very proud of my literacy narrative; however, I do indeed have a few concerns. I am a little uneasy about the entire grade being able to see the major issues me and my family have. I feel like people may think that is completely ridiculous and embarrassing. I just would like other people such as my teachers and friends to give me their opinion if they were me. I understand families have problems; however, my issue with my grannie is a rare and shocking one. I don't want to change any names or people. I just had a few doubts.

On the other hand, I am really excited for the e-book and to see how it will turn out. I love e-books because they are cool and collective. It's something you can always look back on. I have a few ideas for the e-book. I think it would be very interesting to allow everyone to choose their own font and text size. I think if everyone had a image that wasn't obvious but yet is able to tell how it relates to the writing, that would be great. Dell is very artistic so I think the cover page will be amazing. The formatting could be similar to a scrapbook.

Those are my ideas and thoughts!!!

Reading Response and times I worked on my paper

This week I have not read as much because I was busy improving things in my paper. As I mentioned in my last reading response I told about how amazing the book I Am Number Four is. I am still fitting in time to read and reflect on this book.
The book is continuing to impress me by the amount of interesting and impressive events. I mostly enjoy the suspense in each chapter; not knowing what will happen next.

I Am Number Four

I read

total of 130 min.

Time worked on literacy narrative
9/13 for about an hour
I checked several times for grammar mistakes and sentence fluency errors.'

9/14 for about 20 minutes
I re-read it aloud and tried to use larger vocabulary words that still made sense.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

This past weeks reading response

Title: I Am Number Four The Lost Files The Legacies

Author: Pittacus Lore
dates read

time per date: 9/8/13 (pages 1-41) (45 min)
9/9/13 part 1 (pages 41-77) (40 min)
9/10/13 part 1 (pages77-91) part 2 (pages 95-124) (33 min)

total so far: 118 min.

This book is absolutely amazing. My close friend Katherine Ann recommended it to me and I can not stop reading it. The book full of suspense and mystery makes you encouraged to continue reading. Each chapter has a "cliff hanger" that makes you almost forced to find out what happens.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Sleep Over Idea Conflicts

Kim and Sasha have been friends for years. Sasha invited Kim over and they plan to have an awesome sleep over. The two friends cannot seem to agree on any of the details, so an argument arises. 

"Hey Kim I'm so excited for our sleep over tonight, it's going to be great," exclaims Sasha excitedly!

Kim happily replies, "Me too, I came up with some fun activities we could do!" 

"Oh, that's the bell see you after class," declares Sasha. She adds, "Meet me at my car."

*Bell Rings*

Kim sees Sasha in the hall and asks, "Hey Sasha how was class?"

"Fine," Sasha grudges unhappily. 

Kim questions, "Uhh, whats the matter?" 

"Nothing, just get in the car," grumbles Sasha.

*The girls arrive at Sasha's house*

"Hey so I was thinking we could do manicures and pedicures," Kim suggests.  "What do you think?"

Sasha disagrees, "No, thats so boring and takes forever."

"Oh true," agrees Kim.  She then suggests, "What about swimming?''

"No then we need to shower," moans Sasha.

Kim desperately trying to come up with an idea Sasha will like asks, ''How about a movie?"

Sasha rejects Kim's idea and explains, "I'll fall asleep."

Finally Kim decides to ask for Sasha's ideas and questions, "Well what do you want to do?''

"I want to just lay down," Sasha boringly mumbles.

Concerned about her friend, Kim asks, "Sasha, are you ok?"

In reply, Sasha snaps, "I'm fine ok?"

Being a good friend, Kim asks in a concerned tone, "Anything I can do?"

"Nope," grunts Sasha as she remains in a bad mood.

In total confusion, Kim just sits there, and eventually Sasha falls asleep. After this bad sleepover experience, Kim decides to call her mom and leave.

Reading Record

Title: Water For Elephants 
Author: Sara Gruen
Dates Read: 
Pages Per day:
9/3/13 (260-290)  (35 min)
9/4/13 (290-312) (25 min)
9/6/13 (312-331) (23 min)
Total time for this book: 83 min

Title: 7 Days In Utopia 
Author: David L. Cook
Date Read: 9/7/13
Page per day: 100-150 (55 min)
total time:55 min


In Water For Elephants August realized how much Jacob loved Marlena. After embarrassing both Jacob and Marlena he beat both of them. In fury Jacob tried to fight August but he ended up getting himself kicked of the train. He convinced Marlena to jump with him. He was so happy to be with her until August sent his guards to hurt Jacob and steal Marlena the star of August's circus back. When Jacob regained conciseness he bravely returned to the train to re-steal Marlena. Lots of commotion occurred. I really advise anyone to read this book. It's always interesting. 7 Days Of Utopia has really got me in a trance. I find myself stopping and agreeing with each scene and comparing the events to myself. This book is probably the most special book to me because I truly understand how the character feels. I usually try to relate to other book; however, this book really grabs my attention.  

Literacy Narrative Questions and Concerns

So far in my literacy narrative I am really excited for my teacher to read of the the vivid detail included in my writing. I find this topic fairly simple; however, I struggle to include the topic "writing and reading" in my narrative. At times I get caught up in the story and forget to base my story off of myself as a reader or writer. I am excited to read my classmates vivid narratives. I think it's going to be interesting how many different stories are told. My closest friends and I know lots about each other but I feel like I am going to learn way more about them through their narrative stories.  I have a few questions that maybe my classmates can answer. I ask myself "why I dread writing in school, but love emailing my grannie?' I haven't yet found the answer to my question. I'm hoping some of my classmates can relate to the issue I have about myself and help me find the answer. Aside from my question/ doubt I am very excited and motivated to make my paper the best I can.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Literacy Narrative response

I read the narrative in Norton on pages 23-27. This narrative for those that didn't read it was about a young girl who was asked to name the talents that God gave her. She immediately responded by saying "I am a writer." After the quick response she thought about it. She wondered if she really was a "writer" or was she lying. She has flashbacks about her kindergarden and first grade teacher who were the initial people to tell her that she could really have a future in writing. She always doubted if she was good enough. She was insecure about the fact how slow she wrote and if other kids were better than her. She talked to her mother and was surprised that she actually had written over 30 books by herself. Her mother informed her that she actually began writing when she was only 3 years old. She feels like she should be confident; however, too many doubts fill her wondering mind.

I really liked this because the author did a fantastic job of pulling in the read by quoting the character and letting you actually see the exact doubts she was having. I like to see the actual dialog or quotations of what the girl was wondering or saying. It was also very interesting because it did a great job of breaking down all of the qualities that a literacy narrative contains. The information we learned about literacy narratives were nicely addressed in this story. I feel much more knowledge on the topic of literacy narratives and I am anxious to write one of my own.

3rd Response To My books and Reading Record/Log

Reading Response and Connections:  In 7 Days In Utopia, I have many relations and connections with the main character. He is a golfer who struggles with his mental state during a golf round. I can relate to this because I used to get frustrated every time I hit a bad shot. After loosing my temper, I would then continue to do poorly afterwards. In this book a old man is trying to get the young athlete to understand he is a great golfer and he only struggles because his temper is a distraction. My dad, being the "old man" used to teach me that I can finish a round strongly as long as I don't get upset about the few bad shots I hit. In Water For Elephants I see August having a terrible temper which reminds me of John Mcenrose who was a famous tennis player who would always yell and scream at the referees. He and August, the book character both get upset easily and aggravated about the simplest things. August doesn't treat his circus employes well, just like John doesn't treat the tennis referees with respect.

Title: Water For Elephants 
Author: Sara Gruen
Days Read: 
Amount of Time  and page numbers each day: 
8/27/13 (180-240) (60 min)
8/28/13 (240-261) (25 min)

total time for this book: 85 min

Title: 7 Days In Utopia 
Author: David L. Cook
Days Read: 

Amount of Time and page numbers each day:
8/29/13 (50-80) (35 min)
9/1/13 (80-100) (25 min)

total time for this book 60 min

TOTAL = 145 min

In 7 Days In utopia, the old man is starting to get through to the athlete. He is starting to calm down during golf matches. He soon realizes that he is playing much better and winning more often. He feels like he is finally a good golfer and gains confidence. My dad and I discussed how much controlling your nerves and temper can affect your golf game in a positive or negative way. The old man has such a great impact on the athletes life it's unbelievable. In Water For Elephants a new elephant is finally becoming a high success in the shows. Jacob has such a huge crush on Marlena it's adorable. He is always willing to help her and tries to talk to her all the time. Jacob wants Marlena to run away wit him considering how poor August treats Marlena. She has her doubts because August in fact has saved her and make her a major star in his circus. The amount of alcohol August drinks really has a bad affect on him.