Sunday, November 10, 2013

Free Post

This weekend I had to complete my final drivers ed driving hours. My instructor Ralph was scary. We got into the car and he told me to head to bluebonnet. I got very nervous because I forgot how to get there. I decided to ask him where to go. He looked at me very dumb, but he still directed me as I asked. We were in the car about 30 minutes until he told me to go through the McDonalds drive through. I laughed inside. He made me order him a big mac with a sprite. I did great going through the drive through. Next he told me we were going to his house. I got very suspicious. Ralph said he wanted coffee. I pulled up to his scary house and waited. I had my dad on speedial just in case. After he came out he had no coffee in his hand. I decided not to question to him and just listen. We headed towards the interstate. I got so nervous. I hate the interstate because people go so fast it's insane. Sure enough I merged on perfectly. Ralph was listening to heavy metal music. He honestly made me feel uncomfortable. I kept looking at the clock waiting for my time to be up; however, I had 3 hours left. I don't know why they make you drive for long. We made at least 20 stops and finally it was time to go home. I was so happy when I pulled into my neighborhood. I parked the car and he began writing my report. He was supposed to do that while I drove but I think he forgot. Anyways, Ralph gave me a 96% on my driving grade. He told me I was very good and focused. He also said he enjoyed my company, which made me feel weird, but I laughed and thanked him anyway. I got out and went inside. My mom was so proud of me she took me to get an Icee. It was truly a good day.


The Power Of Six

11-5-13 (20 min at home)
11-6-13 (20min in the car)
11-7-13 (30 min at home)
11-9-13 (45 min in the car driving to hammond)
11-10-13 (20 min reading Lord Of the Flies)

135 min


  1. Hey Brooke,
    Congratulations on getting a 96% on your drivers ed test! That is really good! I hope to see you drive someday soon!


  2. Hey Brooke,
    Your an awesome driver. You couldn't beat me because i got a 100%. I will now know to watch out for the Brooke Dillon
