Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog Prompt

Prompt: How do you determine you routines?

I choose a different routine almost everyday. Those people that have the same morning routine are crazy! I like to do different scheduleds eachday. I get bored with the same thing over and over again. Anway, I don't really choose a routine. I tend to go with the flow. If I wake up extremly tired, then I'll take a quick shower to wake me up. If I wake up and am so hungry, I go get food. The main thing I am perticular about is when I put my uniform on. I wont put it on before I eat. I like to eat inconfort and get ready in comfortable clothes. My mood veries often in the morning. Somedays  I wake up and am like sunshine, I want to talk and laugh; however, other times I go hours without looking or talking to people. My mom gets real;y annoyed on those days. My mom wants me to do the same routines so she knows if she needs to get me breakfast; however, I am trying to convince her that changing it up is way more interesting. It's weird to see my opinion about routines in the morning verses my sisters. My sister has to do the same thing over and over again. I always try to tell her to do what I do, but she just laughed and said thats weird. I am ow courious about other peoples routines, so If you comment tell me how you do it.

1 comment:

  1. Brooke, you have an interesting topic here. Work on proofreading and paragraphing to make it easier to read. Make sure to use apostrophes when needed.
