Saturday, October 26, 2013

3 independent stories

For my independent stories I read The Nightingale and The Rose, Araby, and The Sniper. In the nightingale and the rose I really was intrigued throughout the entire story. The sad and hopeful moments made me want to continue reading. I like how the nightingale is so brave and daring to throw away her life to get the boy his red rose. I also was disappointed and surprised how the girl ended up being rude and mean about what she gets. She clearly stated that she liked the real jewels she was given rather than a rose that was worked so hard for. The way the nature and animals had roles in the story was really unique. The tree was very wise and determined to help the nightingale reach her heart. At first I wished that the boy knew what the nightingale did so he could feel a little better; however, I like the mystery and sweet thought the bird had. In Araby I didn't like how unfair his uncle was. I compared the two stories because they both involved a boy who had a major crush on this one girl. In Araby the boys aunt stuck up for him and allowed him to go to the bazaar and meet the girl. The girl in Araby was a sweet one unlike the nightingale and the rose. The last story I read was the sniper. This was different from the other two in so many ways. It was action packed and mysterious. The sniper ends up realizing his enemy he shot was indeed his brother. I didn't like how hidden he kept his feelings about shooting his brother.  I know the brother was actually an enemy but at some point you wonder was there any sympathy in his heart. In my opinion if my enemy was my sister and I killed her I would still have many parts of me that regretted it and felt bad. I am choosing the Nightingale and the rose because it was the most interesting and heart sensitive.


I Am Number Four
10-22-13 (30min)
10-24-13 (1hour) (started reading Six's Legacies)

1hour and 70 min

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