Saturday, October 26, 2013

3 independent stories

For my independent stories I read The Nightingale and The Rose, Araby, and The Sniper. In the nightingale and the rose I really was intrigued throughout the entire story. The sad and hopeful moments made me want to continue reading. I like how the nightingale is so brave and daring to throw away her life to get the boy his red rose. I also was disappointed and surprised how the girl ended up being rude and mean about what she gets. She clearly stated that she liked the real jewels she was given rather than a rose that was worked so hard for. The way the nature and animals had roles in the story was really unique. The tree was very wise and determined to help the nightingale reach her heart. At first I wished that the boy knew what the nightingale did so he could feel a little better; however, I like the mystery and sweet thought the bird had. In Araby I didn't like how unfair his uncle was. I compared the two stories because they both involved a boy who had a major crush on this one girl. In Araby the boys aunt stuck up for him and allowed him to go to the bazaar and meet the girl. The girl in Araby was a sweet one unlike the nightingale and the rose. The last story I read was the sniper. This was different from the other two in so many ways. It was action packed and mysterious. The sniper ends up realizing his enemy he shot was indeed his brother. I didn't like how hidden he kept his feelings about shooting his brother.  I know the brother was actually an enemy but at some point you wonder was there any sympathy in his heart. In my opinion if my enemy was my sister and I killed her I would still have many parts of me that regretted it and felt bad. I am choosing the Nightingale and the rose because it was the most interesting and heart sensitive.


I Am Number Four
10-22-13 (30min)
10-24-13 (1hour) (started reading Six's Legacies)

1hour and 70 min

Free Post (Church)

I am very happy Dr. D gave me a free post because I have been wanting to share why I like going to church. First off, I attend Healing Place Church. It is a huge church. Over 3,000 members are registered and attend the services. I like going to church because it allows me to connect with God in my own special way. Healing place also plays amazing live music a the beginning and end of each service. The team members work to make sure everybody is comfortable with the lessons and talks from week to week. The preachers don't preach. They spread the word and message of God. I always feel very connected and find myself relating to the message. My grandpa and I have never been close; however, going to church with him really makes me feel better. The thing I like most about my church is how fun it is. I never feel like I am at church when I am because the members are constantly involving the audience and showing funny videos that they squeeze into the lesson. I highly recommend this church to people because the staff and members are very welcoming and have so many opportunities to get you involved in.

Not only do I go to church. Healing place offers devoted. Devoted is for pre-teens and teens. They put the middle schoolers upstairs and high schoolers downstairs. It is every wednesday. I like devoted the most because everyone is in high school so you can make lots of friends. It is amazing. We make pancakes, watch videos, sing, dance...etc. We always start devoted off with 10-20 minutes of singing. The kids get so into it it's great. You see many girls and boys that seem so shy randomly just come alive. They sing and dance and pray and the best part is you feel so safe. I don't worry about anything because people their are there to understand your sins, and help you overcome the hard times or hard losses in your life. It's truly amazing and has totally changed the feeling I have for God.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Personal Question; Reading Times; Short Story Times

My Question: How do people know what love is or feels like?


I Am Number Four (different from the other because the other was just about the kids legacies, this is the actual story)

10-8-13  (30 min)
10-10-13 (20 min)
10-11-13 (25 min)
10-12-13 (30 min)

= 105 min

Short Stories:

10-8-13 (30 min of rough drafting)
10-10-13 (20 min of organizing)

=50 min

Edited Literacy Based On Final Draft Comments

Brooke Dillon
Dr. degravelles
September 10, 2013

Emailing Grannie
            This morning I woke up to the sound of chirping birds, and a burning sensation on my eyelids from the sun. I got out of bed, walked over to my phone, and I could immediately smell fresh bacon cooking from downstairs. After descending the stairs, I was greeted by my cheerful mother, “Good morning Brookie, how’d you sleep?” I ignored the question and answered aggravated, “I’m hungry mom.” I sat at the kitchen table for about ten minutes before I realized how rudely I had spoken to her. Trying again, my mom informed me that my grandma sent me an early birthday card. I suddenly felt a lump inside my throat. Inside the card was a corny happy birthday saying with her signature at the bottom. I felt extremely frustrated, not understanding why my grandma did not have the decency to call me. Suddenly, I had an idea, and I made up my mind. Ten years had gone by, and I had yet to receive a phone call from her; all I had received was a “mandatory” birthday card.
I opened up my laptop and went into Gmail. My inbox exploded with emails; however, none from grandma. I clicked new message and began typing, “Dear Grandma, I am particularly disappointed that you never call to wish me a happy birthday. I don’t want to bother you; I just wanted to know the reason you don’t attempt to talk to me. If it’s something I did please tell me, because I want you in my life.” After ten minutes of repeatedly re-reading the sentences, I signed my name and clicked send. The next forty-five minutes felt like days.  I refreshed my feed over and over again; each time growing more frustrated I had not received a response. I felt accomplished because that was the first time I wrote for pleasure. Finally I got a reply. Eagerly, I opened the message and began to read it. “Hi Brooke, sorry I have been busy lately. I hope your birthday was a worthy one. Tell the family hey for me.” After the seventh time evaluating it, I started to cry.  That’s it? “I’m busy?” I told my mom, but she was not astonished like I thought she would be; instead, she acted like that response was predictable. I desperately wanted a relationship with my grandma, and it upset me I was never invited to go to Florida where she lives. It felt like she did not want anything to do with me. I decided that I did not care how much I annoyed her.  I was determined to construct a relationship of some kind, no matter how hard that meant I had to try.
I began to compose a new email. I thought I only had a few things to say; however, by the end of the message I realized my full page was filled.  The funny thing is, I didn’t dread the fact that I was writing. Writing had always been a “requirement” and waste of time in my eyes. In that moment of time, I looked forward to typing and receiving emails. Writing to my grandma might be lousy, but it was the first time I ever felt involved with her.
After a year of solid back and forth emailing, my grandma finally invited me to her house. I immediately began packing because I was so thrilled to spend alone time with her and see her personality. I arrived in Florida around noon Monday morning. The first thing I remember is that her house had a distinct scent, one of peppermint citronella candles.  She politely greeted me, “Hey Brooke so great to see you.” I eagerly leaped into her arms and squeezed her tiny waist with great might. After talking for a few minutes, she decided to show me some of her favorite poems. I grew bored because I didn’t know how to tell her that reading or writing is not a hobby of mine. Two hours later, I was still sitting there reading poems, but I had actually become interested to my surprise. I thought to myself, maybe reading is not so bad.
By dinner I was starving, and I would have eaten just about anything. She opened the pantry and said, “Enjoy.” I gave her a confused look because I expected to have fresh cookies or a home cooked meal like my other grandma gives me. I did not complain, only because I was desperate to get along with her. She drifted into her bedroom and said goodnight as I finished my bowl of cereal. I dragged my body into my bedroom. It was 8:00 by now, and I was lying in bed bored. I decided to Google some poems to entertain myself, and Robert Frost had written the first one that appeared on the screen. I continued to read a few of his poems and suddenly found myself in a deep trance until I eventually fell asleep.
In the morning I woke up to a dark, quiet bedroom. I sauntered into the kitchen and did not see my grandma, but I did not want to walk into her room and intrude on her privacy. I opted to wait at the kitchen table for a few minutes. I had an urge to call my mom; however, I wanted to use my new email skills to talk to her. An hour later the back door quickly swung open. My grandma had shopping bags in her hand as she motioned a wave to her friend that dropped her off. She swiftly walked in and said, “We need to talk.” I swallowed slowly. She sat her bags down and stood over my left shoulder. She asked seriously, “How many pieces of toilet paper do you use?” I had no idea what kind of question that was so I simply said, “Come again?” A fire lit in her eyes, and she started yelling, “I asked how many toilet paper squares do you use?” I had absolutely no idea the answer to this. How would I know that answer, considering I had never counted things like this?
I emailed my mom and begged her to come get me. I told her how miserable and lonely I was so she immediately started driving. I told my grandma that my mom was on her way to come get me. Shockingly, she seemed happy. Hours later my mom rang the doorbell and appeared in the doorway; I was never so excited to see her in my life.
During the car ride home I began to think and see myself as a new girl. I saw a new side of me that was willing to do anything to connect with my grandma such as writing a simple email. Writing to her was my only hope. Not only did the email affect me, it affected my grandma as well. It showed her that I was still making a continuous effect to be in her life. After my miserable trip to her house, I had now come to conclusions that the best way to communicate with her was strictly through email. I decided I had been thinking long enough, so I closed my eyes to take a nap.
When I woke up I was already in my bed back at home.  I immediately ran to my computer and opened my Gmail, quickly refreshing my feed. I almost passed out when I saw an email from my grandma. I opened the message and began reading. “Dear Brooke, I am so sorry about the ways things went while you were at my house. I do love you; however, I like emailing better than interacting in person.” I was speechless.  

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Reading Times


10-5-13 (20 min)

total 20 min


I am Number Four

10-3-13 (30 min)
10-4-13 (25 min)
10-5-13 (40 min)

total 95 min


10-6-13 (45 min)

total 45 min

My short story is getting difficult because the topic I chose is very hard to stick with. I can't come up with a story that in't boring or complicated. My book however is amazing an always. I plan to read the entire series. I can never find a good book; however, this book gets better and better each time I read it. Its the type of book that your don't want to ever put down. I think getting short story advice would help.

Short Story Draft


Hey my name is Agatha Jane Leonard's and I am a twenty eight year old woman. My hobbies include eating, listening to music, watching TV, and meeting people. (especially boys) I have one sister and 2 brothers who drive me crazy. Their names are Jean, Maxwell, and Bernard. I have no educational background, because I quit school at the age of six. My parents said I never paid attention, so there was no point. My boyfriend and I just broke up so I am really upset. I am so anxious to meet a new, better, and cuter guy just to aggravate Jason. My sister and brothers are already married. I just can't seem to settle down. It could be because of my height. I am 6''2. I think my height is unique; however, boys tend to run away from me. I can't  figure out why. Is it because of my personality? Or my hair? Or my teeth? I try to figure it out everyday. I have no friends, which is fine because I keep myself great company. Recently I made a "friend'' at the grocery store. I was this little white puppy that was sick. I fed it and it ''smiled' at me. 

I should probably let you all know that my name is Alison. Alison Casey. I am a fourteen year old girl who attends Bradley Hight School. So far this year has been rough.  I was dating this guy named John. He was so great. He had the perfect smile, prettiest eyes, and cutest laugh. He always was a gentleman to me. He first asked me out November 14, 2010. That was a really good day for me. About six months passed and we were so happy together. My cousin told me that John didn't like me anymore. I was devastated. I didn't understand why. I tried to do everything right. I always was nice to him and made him laugh...etc. As my immature self I called John and broke up with him before he did it to me. Soon after the break up I realized that I regretted my choice majorly. I really liked John, in fact I might even have loved him. In a panic I called back, but he didn't answer. I was clueless. Maybe my cousin was right. Maybe John found a better girl, that was prettier and nicer. I decided to wait it out. I thought for sure he would call me back and forgive my stupidity. Two days later, no calls or texts. Those days felt likes years. It was 8:00 and I was bored so I decided to give him a call. A ''friendly'' call. Just before I click call, I received a message. The message was from my best friend. She was telling me that John has a new girlfriend. Already? I was furious. I immediately called my friend. "Hey omg who is john dating?", I asked in a panic. "Alison I don't know how else to say this, but he is dating your cousin."