Sunday, February 2, 2014

Research Paper Draft

 what do you feel confident about in this draft?  What are you concerned or unsure about?  What was easy and what was hard?  What would you like help changing?  What should I focus my feedback on when I read? (Write a two-paragraph post that responds to these questions but that works independently as a piece of writing, not just a list of answers).

In this draft I felt most confident with my paper's organization. I feel like the information I am presenting is in a order that will be easy to comprehend. I also feel confident with my thesis and supporting details. I think I have good enough research to really intrigue and catch my audiences attention. I supported my facts in multiple ways so that it isn't the same boring paper. I feel like I need the most work on finding a few more sources that will tie my paper together even more. Also I feel like I could add a few more specific details that would give the reader a better visual of the information. The easiest part of this draft was my introduction. It was the easiest because I knew my thesis before I even started writing the paper.

 I also knew what I was going to talk about so the introduction was simple. The most difficult part of my draft was deciding which quotes to include. I had a plenty of information, so choosing and narrowing down the information was difficult. When you read this I would like you to focus on whether I did the "sandwich theory" correct. Did I use good introductions before each quote. Also after I used quotes did I do good analysis's of them? Did I elaborate enough of the information. I hope you enjoy my paper. I worked really hard on it to make sure it was interesting and informative. 

work times: 

Reading was a total of 140 min. (I really enjoy this book) 
Draft work time was a total of 300 min. (I worked on it every virtual day for a long time. I also looked over my sources and re-read all of my information to find quotes that support my thesis)  In addition, I found new sources. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brooke:
    I am interested in reading your paper now. It sounds like you put a lot of hard work into it. What is your topic on?

    Sincerely, Katherine Ann
