Friday, August 16, 2013

Reading Response to Somebody Everybody Listens To.

The thing I most enjoyed in Somebody Everybody Listens To was how courageous and brave Retta, the main character is. She had a passion for singing and a set goal to land a record deal. Her parents we not emotionally and financially stable to travel with her. I was amazed how she moved to Tennessee all by herself. Her best friend was always calling her and encouraging her that she can do it. Her actions make me realize how many people just give up, when really they should pursue what they love. Although she encountered many issues such as lack of money, no place to stay, and no clothes that are presentable; Retta Lee felt like she should push through the difficulties and make the best of it. Her originally timid and frantic attitude soon transformed into the confident and motivated girl she needed to be. I really hope a sequel to this boo will be published. I highly recommend this to girls, especially ones with a talent that they love.

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