Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Exciting Story

Today Sophie and I went to Red Nails to get polished manicures and pedicures. When we walked in the people were friendly as always. Once we picked our different colors, I went to the back pedicure section while Sophie went to the front manicure section. I sat down in the blue, comfortable massage chair in between two older women. One of them was reading a gossip magazine and the other was on her white iPhone 5 protected by a pink case. From my view, it looked liked she was playing a word game. After a couple relaxing minutes went by, one of the Vietnamese salon ladies asked her if the bold, red color looked acceptable. When she went to sit up, she suddenly dropped her phone in the warm water drawn in the pedicure bath. Immediately, she started yelling ''oh no" loudly and abruptly. She picked up her soaking wet phone and tried to see if it would still work. The phone was not working, and she started crying obnoxiously. Personally, I felt bad for her and the helpful salon lady because she was blaming it on the worker for asking her to sit up. Meanwhile, Sophie didn't hear anything that happened and was extremely surprised when the lady left in sobbing tears. I don't think it was anyone's fault, but Sophie and I are extra careful with our phones at the salon and won't forget that poor lady's dismayed reaction.

Reading Response In Relation To My Personal Question

I chose Water For Elephants before choosing my personal question; however, I am going to try to choose my next book to go with the question. My personal question is: what is it like to live in an unfair society? I chose this because I realized how interested I was in Divergent and The Hunger Games, which both address the unfair society issue. I like books that are fiction and mysterious. I loved Divergent because I have never heard of society being narrowed down into factions, and it really interested me. Once I finish my current book,  I plan to research books that have unusual societies and seem intriguing. In Water For Elephants, I love how much tension each character has with everybody else. It's interesting how terribly Augustus runs his circus. I really feel bad for the animals and how poorly they get treated and fed. I want to keep reading this book mainly to see how Rosie, the new elephant, behaves and to see if the sick animals are taken care of.  Jacob, the main character is very wise and smart. I really love his care and acknowledgment of each animal's health and happiness.

Weekly Reading Log #2

title: Water For Elephants 

author: Sara Gruen 

page left off on: 105

page ended on: 180

title: Seven Days In Utopia

author: David L. Cook 

stated on page: 1

finished on page: 50 

total time: 130 min

8/19/13 read from 5:00 to 5:30 (pages 105-128)
8/20/13 read from 5:30 to 6:00 (pages 128-152)
8/22/13 read from 6:00 to 6:30 (pages 152-180)
8/23/13 read from 6:00 to 6:40) (pages 1-50) 

Reflection: In Water For Elephants, you realize how aggressive and hostile Augustus truly is. Jacob falls for Marlena, Augustus "girl." A few more members were added to the circus even though there isn't enough money to pay them. Jacob doesn't usually get his pay check, but he never complains. A new elephant was added to the circus and Jacob was so excited. The elephant is 56 years old and named Rosie. Augustus is so hard on Rosie when she doesn't always behave. Jacob has a soft heart for animals so seeing Rosie get punished is hard for him to watch. The owners of the circus are showing major aggressive and unfair behavior. Lots of the crew drink and party at night. So far I really like this book because I am interested to see how Rosie's behavior adjusts to Augustus's strict commands.

Reflection: I was inspired to read Seven Days In Utopia because I golf and my dad recommended it. So far it's about this golfer that has lots of talent but has trouble with his mental golf game. He leads almost every tournament he plays; however, when one thing goes wrong, things fall to pieces. A old man who is very wise is using unique techniques to prove to the man he needs to work on his mental game. The man believes he doesn't win because he isn't good enough, when really he psyches himself out. I feel like this book will be a major inspiration on me because I can relate to the golf issues the man is having. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

120 min of reading week 1

date:         Time started      Page number started         page ended       time ended    elapsed time 

8/12             5:00                          1                                    15                5:15              20 min

8/14             6:00                          15                                  50                 6:40             40 min

8/15             5:00                         50                                104                 6:00              60 min 

Title: Water For Elephants
Author: Sara Gruen 

Summary:  At this point in my book the main characters name is Jacob and he has hoped on a moving train. On the train he is rudely introduced to a couple of mangey men. The men are part of a circus crew. Jacob used to be involved with Vet school, so he volunteered to help. Of course, the new comers always get bad jobs. Jacob began shoveling poop, then he got to direct customers, then watch a interesting lady perform and keep the crowd calm, and lastly he now examines the animals. Jacob immediately had to put a star performing horse out of its misery due to a hoof injury. He has noticed some of the people in the circus business don't care about the animals health and are selfish. Jacob has a couple of friends he sleeps by on the smelly train. He is constantly wondering why aren't elephants in this circus. 

reflection:  So far this book is very interesting and I am always anxious to see his next task. I look forward to seeing how Jacob sprouts and enjoys the circus for his second time. He seems like a smart man, even though he is poor.  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Free Blog Choice - Spain

     This coming September a spanish girl my age will be coming to the United States to live in my house for two weeks. I haven't found out her name or interests; however, I am very excited to get in touch with her. After two weeks pass, I will go back to her house and live with her and her family. My goal from this trip is to come back almost fluent in Spanish. I really love studying the culture and language, and I have been working on my speaking skills so I can better communicate with my exchange student. There is a high possibility that I will share an exchange student with my friend Katherine Ann. I have talked to her about our feelings for leaving the United States, and we are both excited and nervous. I think this program Mrs. Alvarez created is going to be a great opportunity to advance my knowledge of the Spanish language.  Most importantly, it will give me the chance to live with a host family, meaning I will be fully immersed in the culture and lifestyle for a couple weeks.  I really think this is something that I will both learn from and enjoy a great deal, and I feel it will be an experience I benefit from and always remember.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Reading Response to Somebody Everybody Listens To.

The thing I most enjoyed in Somebody Everybody Listens To was how courageous and brave Retta, the main character is. She had a passion for singing and a set goal to land a record deal. Her parents we not emotionally and financially stable to travel with her. I was amazed how she moved to Tennessee all by herself. Her best friend was always calling her and encouraging her that she can do it. Her actions make me realize how many people just give up, when really they should pursue what they love. Although she encountered many issues such as lack of money, no place to stay, and no clothes that are presentable; Retta Lee felt like she should push through the difficulties and make the best of it. Her originally timid and frantic attitude soon transformed into the confident and motivated girl she needed to be. I really hope a sequel to this boo will be published. I highly recommend this to girls, especially ones with a talent that they love.